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Friday, June 13, 2008

what did we do before photoshop?

So Sarah and I shot a wedding last month (I think I posted a few shots up a few weeks ago). Anyway, I recently sent all the pictures off to the bride and groom. I sent an email to the bride this morning to ensure she received them and that she could open the files on the CDs. This is the reply I got back:

Hey Peter! We got the pics and absolutely loved them! Thank you so much for doing such a fantastic job! Yes I would love some creative ideas for the prints! Also I was wondering if you could fix one of the photos! It is the one with the girls catching the bouquet, someones breast popped out of their dress! Let me know if you can photo shop it or if their is anything I can do, because it is a great shot! Thanks again! And also thank Sarah for us!
I was shocked!!! I quickly went back to check and sure enough there in plain view was a poor bridesmaid's breast in full view. I guess I somehow missed that when I was editing! Yikes! I thought about it for a moment and decided that sure, I could fix it. But did I want to? I just couldn't bring myself to zoom in and get to work. So I did what any respectable man would do. I emailed it a friend! But relax, I emailed it to my trusted friend Veronique who happens to be a woman and happens to be a pro with photoshop. I pre-begged for forgiveness and sought her assistance. She quickly replied with grace and restored the bridesmaid's dignity with a photoshopped dress. I won't post the picture up here obviously, but I will say a big thank you to Veronique! I owe you one. I still can't keep myself from laughing about the whole thing because I keep picturing the bride and groom sitting down on the couch with a glass of wine and the laptop all excited to see their wedding pictures, and then BAM!

Here's the moral of the story: Ladies, if you're wearing a strapless dress and you know pictures will be taken, please don't jump up and reach your hands back over your head!!


Anonymous said...

Pete, you had me laughing all afternoon on that one! SO glad to help out!

Anonymous said...

ahahahahaha! That's hilarious, Pete; can't believe you didn't notice it.