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Sunday, February 3, 2008

resurrecting G.I. Joe...

When my dad cleared out the attic of our family's house in Richmond before he sold it, he discovered boxes and boxes of my old G.I. Joe men, guns, backpacks, rockets, trucks, tanks, helicopters, and the like. He packed it up and brought it down to us when we moved to Charlotte. The original plan was to put it up for sale on Ebay, but Kyla and Avery had different plans! When they discovered them, you would have thought we had spent a million dollars on the latest, greatest toys. It was far more valuable for them to play with than the 30 bucks or so I might have made on the stuff on Ebay. The funniest thing, I think, is that Kyla thinks the bigger guns are fishing poles. We haven't really explained guns and war and such yet! Maybe when she turns 4. :)