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Thursday, February 14, 2008

huge miracle!

Many of you know of all the troubles I had transferring my CA teaching license to NC. EXTREMELY long, complicating, frustrating, and confusing story short...I had to work as a substitute making $85/day with no benefits for the first 2 months of the school year. My school district did retro-pay me for the second month, but I was left to eat that first month. I had begun to get over it until they shorted me again in January because I hadn't technically been a real teacher long enough to earn a fully-paid Christmas break (even though I had been at the school since day 1 doing the same job I am doing today as a "highly qualified" teacher).

Anyway, I hit the roof when I found this out and tried to get it worked out to no avail. So I quickly drafted an email explaining my frustrations and concerns to the superintendent of HR and got the typical, "let me look into it" response. All I was asking for was to get paid for the vacation time over Christmas break the same as all the other teachers. Well, this afternoon, I received the following email from the superintendent of HR:

Mr. Davis,
Information that was passed onto me shows that the State is recognizing your license for the entire school year. Therefore, I am approving for your salary, along with sick leave, and annual leave to be updated to reflect an August 16, 2007 start date.

It turns out that not only am I going to get that paid vacation time, but I am probably also going to get retro-pay for that first month where I got sub pay too!!! Praise God, because He knows we really need that money! I am so relieved that someone at the district level finally saw the absurdity in the whole situation and decided to make it right. Perseverance does pay off!