Some people blog to express their thoughts and opinions. I've certainly done that here, but now it's becoming, once again, a place to get my thoughts straight. A place to unwind of the mental knots tied in my head.
So here's Plan B for our future in a nutshell. I'll explain Plan A as we go along, but I feel B is easier to explain:
It should come as no surprise that teachers don't get paid very much...especially in Union County, NC. I took a $15,000 pay cut when we moved from LA and I had to start paying for health care - health care for the entire family provided by the district was something I took for granted! So needless to say, finances have been a nightmare since moving here. We've been trying to find ways to make more money. My photography business is starting to pick up. I tutor once or twice a week. Sarah became a childbirth educator and now she is a doula (labor assistant). We basically have about 3 small businesses in start-up mode which makes for little free time! And Sarah wants to become a midwife in the near future which would obviously be a huge help financially!
So basically, plan B would be for us to move to an area where 1) they pay teachers more, 2) there would be a good market for photography (Charlotte is pretty good, though I think), 3) there is a good market for childbirth classes and doulas (not the best in Charlotte), 4) Sarah could study midwifery (NC does not license midwives so NC is out), and 5) Avery's allergies would not so drastically affect our family (pretty much the entire Southeast is out there).
The clear choice for us that fits the majority of those criterion would be California. I don't think we'd want to move back to LA, but we've been looking at some places like San Luis Obispo, Carpinteria, and Ventura. Of course we wouldn't be able to afford a house there, but in all honesty, we can't really afford a house here either on $34,000 a year. Also, in CA, one of the midwives who helped deliver Avery is willing to help Sarah with her midwifery studies! There might be other places besides California that would fit a lot of our criteria, but we know we like Cali and we can see ourselves happy there.
Wherever we land if we stay in the States, however, we have decided that we will be a family devoted to missions. My dream is that we take advantage of my free summers as a teacher and take family mission trips every year. We could plan for the entire year where we would go and work to raise the money to get there. We could even go for a month at a time. Then the next year we could go somewhere else or go back to the same place. After several trips, and once Sarah has her midwifery license, we would maybe have a clearer sense of what God wants us to do.
So that's Plan B. Like I said, it's not too bad. And I'm honestly pretty excited about that option. But then came Jonah...more later.
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Sunday, November 2, 2008
Starting with Plan B...
Posted by Peter Davis at 9:32 AM
Labels: God, Philippines
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