I've been watching the political scene pretty closely the past two weeks, and what a big two weeks it was! I've been trying to figure out what effect, if any, the VP choices each candidate has made will have on the election. I'll be honest that I don't know much about Joe Biden other than he has had an impressive career and seems to have some pretty good foreign policy experience. I look forward to hearing from him in the near future.
I was also quite shocked to hear of McCain's choice of Palin for his VP running mate. I think he either made a completely crazy, desperate reach for youth and the female vote, or he made a bold and risky, ingenious move. I guess only time will tell.
I am saddened to read, though, about Palin's seventeen year old daughter. I'm not so sad that she is a pregnant teenager as I am that she will be paraded out in the media over the next few months without much say in the matter. I've already read some pretty spiteful things about her in different places. Palin had to know this would happen to her daughter and I can't imagine doing that to my kids. I hope that Palin's family took that into account when they made the decision to run.
Palin does seem like a wonderful person with strong convictions and a good track record (outside of that ongoing investigation into her alleged firing of a state official who refused to fire her ex brother-in-law...sounds like fodder for a daytime talk show). But she seems like such a risky pick due to that investigation and her daughter's pregnancy and the little fact that she's only been out of the country one time (in the 90s as mayor, I think, and she had to apply for her passport then). Her lack of foreign relations experience will certainly be a huge target. I can't imagine that she's going to be able to handle Biden in a debate either. But I could be wrong.
Like I said, only time will tell. One thing is for sure, this hurricane sure puts a wrench in the works for the RNC! It'll be interesting to see how the rest of the week shapes up. I have a feeling McCain will be able to capitalize on this crisis to underscore his experience even though he won't get all the limelight that Obama got last week.
I certainly cannot wait until the first debate! I'm not sure when it is, but I have a feeling the debates will be a pretty big determining factor.
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Monday, September 1, 2008
interesting choices...
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Pete, with all do respect, I have to challenge you in this post. I have several reasons but i will keep it brief. For one, I don't think that it's right to judge sarah palin for her choice to decide to run for VP knowing that her daughter's private life would be made public. For one thing we could say the same thing about any other politiitan with children including Barack Obama who has children as well. And I think that if Sarah Palin's daughter did not want her mother running for VP for fear of her private life getting out in public than she probably wouldn't have come and sat in the front row behind her mom when John McCain announced her as VP. Apparently her daughter feels loved and supported enough that she put herself in the public eye. Another piece of info about Sarah Palin is that she actually went overseas last year to visit with the Alaskan National Guard ( as Governor she serves as commander of this military group). This means she has only been to the Mideast once that i know of but only one less time than Barack Obama who is running for president, commander in chief. I am a lot more concerned about his lack of foreign policy experience than I am Sarah Palin. ( and btw, being govenor of alaska which borders two other countries, Canada and Russia also gives her more foreign policy experience than a senator and than most governers) Just food for thought.
I certainly wasn't aiming to judge Palin in her choice. I was just making the statement that I couldn't imagine putting my daughter out there like that. Palin might have all the best intentions in the world and even the support of her daughter, but I've seen this girl's private life become a political issue (on both sides) overnight.
We're all pretty unfamiliar with Palin (as is McCain because they'd only met once before he asked her to be VP). Like I said, time will tell. I think Palin will either win tons of people over or she'll break under this new pressure. I just hope that her family doesn't get beat up too bad in the process. For now, I'll switch back to watching the RNC.
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