In order to get from our neighborhood to the freeway (or interstate as it's called in these parts), I cut through a little trailer park neighborhood. Some of the properties are in pretty bad shape, but there are some people there who seem to take pride in how their property looks (mostly doublewides that have been turned into permanent homes with nice landscaping).
Anyway, there is an older couple who rock in large, white rocking chairs on the front porch most days. I see them almost daily either on my way to or from work and without fail, I get a friendly smile and a wave from the kind, old man. I am always sure to wave back so that he might not think I'm one of those Damn Yankees that's moved to the area and is creating a ton of traffic through his neighborhood. And honestly, it makes me feel good when I get a chance to wave to him. It reminds me of how simple life should be compared to how complicated I can make it. How often do I take time to rock and enjoy a nice morning while greeting passersby?
At any rate, the other day on my way to work, I waved to the gentleman, and I got no response! What?!? How could this be? I mean, he was looking straight at me with no smile? Was I driving too fast or something? Then I saw it. He had was talking on his cell phone! Sheesh. I thought we had reached a new low when I overheard a guy talking on the phone while sitting in a public restroom stall, but this is the worst! The heart of American values has been ripped out and thrown on the floor by cell phones!
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Sunday, August 31, 2008
cell phones are ruining American values...
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