After reading my original post on abortion this morning, Sarah voiced a few concerns. Then this evening I received an email from a friend that lovingly shared Sarah's concerns. I guess working this out online is going to be a difficult task, but I'm still committed to it! It's so hard to get my thoughts out in such short little blog bursts. I feel like I really need to write a book, but I don't have time for that! Anyway, I think I committed a few key points from my previous post that I'd like to add on here. And by the way, I'm sure I'll leave a few things out here...we'll see how it goes. This is fun!
Let me first say that (and somehow I left this out) I am indeed pro-life.
My basic issue is that we need a consistent ethic of life. I do absolutely feel that caring for the sick, the poor, the addicted, and the down and out should be done primarily through the Church. The Church can certainly do more to fight these global issues. I think that these issues like abortion, crime, and addiction can only truly be solved through the church and by working with people one on one, not through politics. But when it comes to choosing a political candidate (which we must do), I have to open my scope up and look at a big picture.
Unfortunately, there is no candidate or party out there that offers a consistent ethic of life. My idea of that consistency is someone who (and forgive my foggy memory of statistics) opposes abortion that kills about 3,000 unborn babies each day, someone who is committed to ending the spread of HIV/AIDs that kills something like 9,000 people each day, someone committed to ending wars that claim about 500,000 civilian lives each year, someone who is committed to ending extreme poverty that kills tens of thousands of kids each day, and someone who is committed to ending capital punishment in our country that kills hundreds of people each year and has received international criticism for years. And like I said, there really isn't someone who follows that line.
For whatever political reasons, the political parties have picked through and chosen whatever ethics of life work for their agendas, but have failed to make the choice all the way across the board. So for me, I need to look at who is going to do the most good there. As I said in my previous post, I certainly don't believe Obama is perfect and I do wish he would change his view on abortion. Maybe I'll write him a good old fashioned letter. I certainly don't think he can fix everything. I don't think any politician can do that!
Let me know what you think! You can either email me or comment on this post.
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Thursday, July 10, 2008
update on my abortion post...
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hi pete,
i bet you didn't know that i read your blog!! :)
i appreciate your thoughts on this subject. it certainly is a hot ticket item in politics these days. i work at a pregnancy clinic and see women and men every day affected by unplanned pregnancies. it is an earth shattering and life altering event for them, and i know politics is the last thing on their mind. i whole heartedly agree that we must get to the root of the issue and begin to support these men and women who truly believe that abortion is their only option. that is the line we hear more often than any other..."i don't want to have an abortion, but what what other choice do i have?"
i would caution you against promoting the use of contraception as a means to preventing unplanned pregnancy (especially in the teen population), however. the majority of young women we see are either on the pill, and just not taking in consistently, or claim that their boyfriends would never dream of using a condom. not to mention the fact that the pill does not protect against any STDs and the condom only protects against those that are transmitted through bodily fluids (unlike gonorrhea and other that are spread simply by skin to skin contact). sorry if this is too graffic!!
this is certainly a subject that i am passionate i'm sorry for the soap box :). i truly believe that if we empower young people to make healthy choices about their sexual health, we will not only see a reduction in unplanned pregnancies, but an increase in the self esteem of our youth.
i too am torn about the upcoming presidential i really value your thoughts here!!
sorry for the long rant :)
you bring up good points! And hats off to you for being those who are willing to spend their time and energy to make a difference!!!
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