A friend sent me a link to a site called
electoralcompass.com that is designed to help you find the candidate that best matches your views on key issues like gun control, the war in Iraq, abortion, and things like that. I found it very interesting to go through the process of answering the questions. I'm not 100% sure that it is accurate because the one candidate it said I was the closest to has different viewpoints than I do on at least one key issue in my mind. I guess the site weighs all the issues the same, so it may or may not be accurate because it cannot take importance of issues into account when making comparisons.
So you wanna know who it said I should vote for? Well, I'd tell you but if I mention her name, a large portion of my extended family might disown me!!! And besides, like I said, she has several different views on a few key issues so it's not like I'm going to vote for her just because a website says I should. :)
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