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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Confirmation of my dislike for Wal-Mart

I just got finished watching a documentary called "Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price" and while it is certainly not the best documentary I've seen, it was pretty interesting (I thought Supersize Me and Bowling for Columbine were much better). Lots of good interviews by former managers and employees. I knew that there were many reasons to dislike Wal-Mart (Sarah and I haven't shopped there in years)!

One interesting thing brought up in the movie was that Wal-Mart stores in the Catawba River basin (the river where we get a lot of our water in Charlotte) were busted for breaking environmental rules about storing pesticides and fertilizers outside where runoff entered streams and eventually the source of our drinking water. Mmmmm...I knew our water tasted a little off. I need to swing by Wal-Mart and buy some bottled water 'cause I hear they have low prices!

At any rate, here is another interesting site: