I kind of find this "Joe the Plumber" bit rather silly. Some guy asks a presidential candidate a few questions about a tax plan and suddenly he's the backbone of the opponent's campaign. The poor guy got hounded by the media and now the word is out he hasn't paid up on his taxes. That'll teach you to ask questions! :)
At any rate, I'll be the first one to tell you that I don't understand much about taxes, but I know taxes have been on the forefront of the election. I found this tax calculator online and found it interesting. It tells me that I'll get $1200 more in tax breaks under Obama than McCAin. You can take it for what it's worth. I don't even begin to understand how it's being calculated. I got the feeling, though, way before this calculator, that I'd be in much better shape with taxes under Obama. I also feel like I might be able to afford health care for my wife and kids under Obama. Who knows, maybe I'll even get a little more as a teacher. These are just a few of the reason Peter the Teacher supports Obama. I understand, however, that Preston the Executive, Earl the Oil Mogul, and maybe even Joe the Plumber may not agree.
Anyway, here's the calculator.
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Friday, October 24, 2008
Peter the Teacher for Obama...
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