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Thursday, October 2, 2008

faster than a 12-year-old girl...

Getting old is getting old. Three examples:

1 - I found myself having to join the young men's small group at our church simply because this is the last year I can be considered a twenty-something.

The other two examples are from my day at school today...

2 - I was having a difficult time today having my kids understand that line graphs show how data changes over time. So I was put on the spot to come up with an example that was less-boring than the ones in the book. What did I come up with? The number of gray hairs on Mr. Davis' head from 2002 - 2008. They walked away understanding the concept. I walked away depressed.

3 - During activity time with my sixth graders today, I made an exciting discovery. One girl wanted to race me and I kindly obliged. I smoked her! I mean, it wasn't even close. So I still have a little speed - at least enough to beat a 12-year-old girl. So why is this an example of getting old sucking? Well, I pulled my left quad while I was running and spent the rest of the day hobbling around.