Last night, around 30 minutes after we had put Kyla down for bed, we heard her feet hit the floor above us as she tore out of her bedroom and into the hall. We both jumped, knowing for sure that she was showing some kind of disobedience by getting out of bed and also because she tends to wake Avery up when she makes that much noise. At any rate, when she hit the top of the stairs, we could hear the sheer excitement in her voice. She shouted with glee that she looked out of her window and there was a rainbow!!
I ran upstairs to check it out because I had just stepped out of our front door to see if I could find one because we had some very crazy storms blow through and the sun was coming back out in time for sunset. I pulled up the blinds in Kyla's room which faces the back of our house and revealed this beautiful, full rainbow. It has been quite some time since I've seen a rainbow, and I can't remember ever seeing one so complete. It was even a double rainbow for a while.
So when Sarah reached Kyla's room, I grabbed my camera and headed outside. I learned something important. Shooting rainbows is difficult! Especially, when you're standing in the rain trying to keep your camera dry. So hats off to all the good rainbow photogs! Here are two of the shots I got.
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