Last week, I plopped down on the couch and pried open my laptop expecting to check my email and do some other kind of general surfing, when to my dismay I got the Blue Screen of Death (BSoD)! For those of you not lucky enough to have experienced this on a Windows machine (Mac users leave your snide comments to yourself), basically instead of seeing my desktop, I see a blue screen with a bunch of gobbly-gook telling my what my problem is and how to fix it.
Now, I'm fairly competent when it comes to fixing computer problems, but I have no clue how to fix this one. The "how-to" instructions are meant for computeristicians, which I'm really not. Thankfully, my good friend Patrick down the street just happens to work for Microsoft as a computeristician! Hopefully, he can save me.
But for the time being, Sarah and I are stuck in the Stone Age...a family with only one computer! I know it sounds like a horrible situation, but we're coping. It's really brought us b

ack to life in a more simple time. We've started doing things the old fashioned way once again. Sarah is churning our butter, we're washing clothes by hand, after supper we listen to radio programs on the radio, and we sit around by candlelight at night and tell the stories that been passed on from generation to generation. We tried lighting a fire in the fireplace, but those silly stone logs just would not stay lit no matter how much lighter fluid I used. It's probably best because there isn't a chimney for the smoke, so it would have made our house a little smoky.
I know that soon this special chapter of our lives will soon close, but for now I cherish every moment. The memories we have created will last a lifetime!
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