It is funny how time changes things. Ten years ago today, I wooed Sarah on our first date in college. Two poor college students living on campus without cars, eating a "picnic" and watching a movie in a cramped dorm room. We never looked back from that point on and were married 3.5 years later. We're going on 7 years of marriage and life has been fun, exciting, difficult, beautiful, and challenging ever since that picnic. We've been through a lot together and I'd say we're more in love now than ever before! I know that may sound like a corny Valentine's Day card, but it is so true. Our love has been tested over the past 10 years, and by God's grace, we're still running after Him together as fast as we can (even though it feels like we're crawling at times). Here's to the next ten years. Happy Valentine's Day Sarah!
(oh and by the way...if you're wondering why I'm blogging at 9pm on Valentine's Day instead of spending time with my wife, it's because Sarah has been pretty sick the past few days. We got to celebrate early last week and we postponed V-Day until we're all feeling 100%.)
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